
Part 4 (1980-2000): The Bottom Line

      Part 4: The Bottom Line is based on the years of 1980- 2000. These years in American education come after a time of crucial change in schooling for the United States. The stage of American schools before 1980 was full of separation between race, gender, and class. Once these academic/education issues had been resolved, there came the article "A Nation At Risk." This article brought to light what many believed was a new, different issue in America's educational system.       The "A Nation At Risk" article was a response to America's failure to keep up with other nations economically, technologically, and academically. This failure was blamed on the public schools and educational systems of the country. Due to such failure and embarrassment, American corporate businesses took over many of the schools in the United States. Business leaders believed that if students were to perform better academically, then the economic future of America would increase. Th

Part 3 (1950- 1980): Separate and Unequal

      Part 3 of School: The Story of American Public Education focuses on the years of 1950- 1980. These years come after a time where America faced a large influx of immigration. Majority of the families who immigrated to the United States in those years were from European nations, but there were large amounts of families that emmigrated from Latin American countries such as Mexico. By this time the American public school system had already been set and has grown into a stable system academically. Although the public school system had grown from its beginnings in 1770, it still was not perfect and had many issues that still needed to be resolved. One of the main issues that is discussed in this section of the book was the issue of segregation within the schools.      Segregation wasn't just something African American's faced in schools, but was faced in other public facilities as well. Even though there were many places that enforced segregation, many African American's be

Part 2 (1900-1950): As American as Public School

          Part two of School: The Stor of American Public Education  is based on the years of 1900- 1950. These years pick up right where part one of this book left off. Looking back, we know that part one talked about the beginnings of public schools and education in America. Towards the end, readers are able to see that America was figuring out its school system, and although they were not perfect and still learning, they understood the importance of having education for everyone. Now jumping to the 1900-1950, it is now a time in America that was full of waves of immigration from many different parts of the world.       One may wonder if they still offered education for all, including these immigrants. The truth is that although many think of the United States as a racist, unfair country, they opened up their schools to their citizens and to the incoming immigrants. Although they opened the doors of the schools to these immigrant families, many of the children went off to work instea

Part 1: Common School (Response)

     Part 1 of School :The story of American Public Education,  titled "The Common School", was extremely interesting and allowed me to gain an understanding of the beginings of education in America. It's based on the years of 1770-1900, and discusses some of the struggles that were faced in the making of the United States's schooling and education systems. In those days schools were more for the rich and education was chosen by the parents of the children. Eventually the desire for a wiser, more educated future generation and the population growth of the country lead to the push/fight for public"common" schools for all. Although there was a desire to unify the states and the country with public schooling and education, there were many issues that continued to cause separations and disagreements among the people of the nation.      As we compare schools/education from those times to schools/education today, we can see that both bring unification in the natio

My literacy journey

       My name is Abigail Diaz; I am 20 years old and will be turning 21 next month. I am currently finishing off my third year at NJCU and will soon be entering my senior year. I am majoring in Global business and hope to soon be minoring in accounting. If I am being honest, my academic advisor chose this class for me because I needed a tier-three online course. Although this class would not have been my first choice, it has been quite interesting so far. I believe that I will enjoy this class and learn many new things throughout this course. A few of my interests are playing sports, singing, playing board games/ video games, and drawing/painting. I have lived in Jersey City my whole life, and my ethnicity is Puertorican and Honduran. Both sides of my family have always encouraged me to push forward and strive to achieve all my goals in my academics and life.        The earliest experience of literacy for me that I can remember is when I started school, in pre-k. My elementary school